We've played in the backyard a fair amount too. He doesn't walk too well on the straw-like grass so he mostly stays on the back porch.
Until the other day...see the bird bath in the corner. In about 2 minutes he finds it too, and here is what ensues...
The video is kind of long but so cute. I love my little boy. He really is growing too quickly. I want him to slow down now. (Okay so putting the 3 videos into one wasn't working when I'd load it to youtube so here are the 3 separate videos.)
No Lyla yet. I hadn't progressed any when I went to the doctor on Thursday afternoon - still 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. He asked if I wanted to schedule an induction on Monday, my due date, but I said no. We'll see how things go this weekend. I had random contractions Thursday night but haven't really had anything since. I go to the doctor Monday morning for another check-up. Maybe she'll be ready to come on her own then!
You're too cool Little Man, I see you are checking out the lay of the land.