We had an absolutely fun Christmas. Cole and Lyla loved all the Christmas lights and went to see Santa so many times I lost count. We watched a couple of Christmas movies on Netflix and they still ask to see them and question me as to where Santa went now. We have a couple of Christ centered videos as well. We watched one for FHE the last Monday in November and another for FHE the first Monday in December. The remainder of the month they repeatedly asked to watch them. Their favorite, of course, was the animated Nativity. In fact, they asked to watch it again just yesterday. Lyla especially loved playing with the various baby Jesus figurines on the tree and in Nativity sets.
Some fun things we did closer to Christmas was to make gingerbread houses at Daddy's work:
(kids not pictured here but you get the idea)
A visit to Santa Town where you can enter a cowboy town to see Santa and Mrs. Claus in a log cabin, with one of the reindeer out front (a REAL reindeer mind you), have snow in TX fall on your head (from a machine of course), listen to live music, roast marshmallows, see TONS of lights, ride a pony and see sheep, bunnies, and llamas at the petting zoo as well as see other exotic animals and of course, chat with Sheriff Frostbite (aka Frosty). There are some really cute shops there too.
My parents came to town for Christmas Eve. We enjoyed a nice turkey dinner - my first attempt which thanks to a
fabulous recipe and guidelines, turned out great. Rick had made it before so I knew it was good. We opened presents in the morning and then went to church. Lyla was excited about everything in the stocking but fizzled out when it came to actually opening a present. I'm not sure she was feeling well. Cole didn't mind that at all though - more presents for him to open! He definitely enjoyed the unwrapping almost more than what was inside!
I was glad that our kids had fun especially glad that they remembered that it was Jesus' birthday.
A video of the kiddies enjoying the music at the mall...