Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just Because

I love being this little boy's mother.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

7 Months Today!

I cannot believe Cole is already 7 months old. He is growing up all too quickly. Here are some fun pics we took yesterday and today and video of my little man.

LOVE the Hawaii onesie from "Grandma" Linda!

Who wouldn't die for those eyelashes?!?!

He's SO happy to be 7 Months old! (And feeling a little better...)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cole "Momma"

So at the very end he does a weak "Dada" even though try as I might to try to get him to say it. This was recorded Saturday evening right after his fever started to go down. He still has red-rimmed eyes and was really stuffy. Poor baby!

Sick Baby

Cole was kind of needy all last week. I just thought it was teething or a new phase where he wanted to be with me every second. I now realize it was him getting sick. Thursday night he woke up very upset about 3 hours after going to bed. I calmed him down but also realized he had a stuffy nose. I cleared it out and then Dad held him for a while and he went back to bed without any problems the rest of the evening. Friday was pretty normal except he wanted to be held or right in front of me. That evening around midnight I felt I should go check on him even though he was still sleeping. He woke up when I opened the bedroom door. I picked him up for a minute and realized he was burning with a fever. I gave him Tylenol and put him back to bed. When he woke up a few hours later he still had the fever and was now coughing and nasally. I put him to sleep in his car seat to prevent his head getting clogged. Rick was out on a Father/Son camp out being "Dad" to some boys from church so I put Cole's carseat on the bed next to me and he held my finger as he fell asleep. I kept the Tylenol up but the fever wasn't relenting. Saturday we went to the doctor and she said it could either be the flu or croup. Only time would tell but the treatment was the same - keep the fever down and use humidifiers. It wasn't until we started Cole on Motrin that the fever went down. His coughing continues and his stuffy nose but he is feeling much better now. This was his first experience being sick and I am so proud of him - he was still smily and happy even through a fever of 101.5 and not being able to breath through his nose.

One remarkable side effect of him being sick is his vocabulary tripled. No longer did his babbles consist of only wobbles from the throat, but real SYLLABLES! Yes, Cole now can say "Dada", "Mama", "Baba", and "Mooooom" (that one is my favorite because he tucks his lips all the way under and says a long drawn out Mom). I am still trying to get them all on video but Colemeister loves to study the camera and stops everything he's doing when he sees it. This video is terrible quality because it's from my cell phone but it was the only thing around at the time!

I'll try to upload more as I get them.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Grandpa Visits

Grandpa Poling came for a visit last week. Cole really took to him and I loved the free time to relax! Thanks Grandpa!! Though Cole had a bad teething day on Tuesday before his visit, he was my perfectly content little man again once Grandpa was here.

Cole does really well sitting up, but not so well that he will sit on a hard, cold floor to take pictures for his 6 month shooting. He was not liking it at all so we are delaying the pictures until he's 7 months or so. His "3 month" shots weren't done until he was 4 months either. His confidence in his skills always lag a bit because he was 2 1/2 weeks early too. But he is very quickly growing up before my eyes. He plays with a million toys at once, started sleeping on his side (or tummy - but just once) and babbles more than ever - but mostly when he's tired. I have got to get it on camera because it's rather hilarious to listen to and to see his expressions. Oh, and lest we forget, everything gets chewed. Those teeth need to pop through!

Oh and Happy belated Mother's Day to all those moms out there. The best part of my day? Me going to bed at 7:00PM.

P.S. A new list has been added to the blog - the items Cole now eats. :-)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Paper Lovin'

Cole and I have a love/hate relationship with paper.

Cole loves to ...
1. lick it,
2. suck on it and
3. scrunch it

Mom loves ...
1. that something so simple can keep Cole's curiosity satisfied and
2. it is a good use for those credit card offers and other junk mail

Mom hates thinking that ...
1. he will get a paper cut
2. he will eat a piece of it

Cole hates ...
when it gets taken away.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tuckered Out

So Cole and I got out of the house today and went shopping for frames for all his cute pics. While in JoAnn's Cole started his "sleepy talk" and was so loud customers just started staring. It was cute but still a bit embarrassing! Finally, he conked out. When we shop, I always just put the entire carseat in the cart (not hanging where the little tots sit). Well, my purse was in the cart as well and I hadn't realized it but Cole had pulled it onto him and draped his arms through the handles and was holding it. It was too cute a photo-op to miss, thank heavens for camera phones.